So, if you think that the towel can travel and sun-dry on its own on the string outside, then it is like a very funny imagination. Trust me, this imagination can be turned into a funny cartoon if you knew how to draw a cartoon character with some simple English funny and creative one liners. I know it is not possible as you neither know how to draw nor have time to actually be a little organized. Or simply use Artificial Intelligence to do that for you. Alexa can only guide you but it won’t do your things. That is fine, if that is what your mother has taught by setting an example of a dutiful mother, wife, daughter-in-law, and servant. You name it, and it will be in the list. How on earth, anybody can just throw their used towels on the cot, soiled socks and clothes forever expecting your mother or spouse to actually pick it up and put it in the laundry basket. Another classic example is the sight of those smelly pair of socks, soiled clothes to the hanger. How is it possible for...