
So, if you think that the towel can travel and sun-dry on its own on the string outside, then it is like a very funny imagination. Trust me, this imagination can be turned into a funny cartoon if you knew how to draw a cartoon character with some simple English funny and creative one liners. I know it is not possible as you neither know how to draw nor have time to actually be a little organized. Or simply use Artificial Intelligence to do that for you. Alexa can only guide you but it won’t do your things. That is fine, if that is what your mother has taught by setting an example of a dutiful mother, wife, daughter-in-law, and servant. You name it, and it will be in the list. How on earth, anybody can just throw their used towels on the cot, soiled socks and clothes forever expecting your mother or spouse to actually pick it up and put it in the laundry basket.  

Another classic example is the sight of those smelly pair of socks, soiled clothes to the hanger. How is it possible for anyone to leave the shoes and socks just like that, not in the shoe rack but in the walkway? Weren’t you taught to keep the shoes in the rack and if the socks are soiled then keep it for wash? I mean these are basic things per se, it is personal hygiene. You cannot choose to ignore or depend on your spouse to smell your socks and put it in the laundry. This is the last thing anyone would wish to do. And why does it become so tedious for them to fold a comforter. Why is it so difficult to become a little organized. Aren’t their brain cells organized in such a way to be organized? If this is true then, how come all of a sudden they are so organized while making drinks, while actually pouring a 30,60 or 90 ml of their heavenly drinks into a tumbler. You must see your man pouring the alcohol from a Glenfiddich or a Greygoose (yes, from a few brands that I know). I can bet, none would spill even a single drop from the bottle.

Once in a while, your creative partner might feel like preparing a fancy meal. There you go, your heart skips a beat because, you will have to clean up the mess for sure. How many of you would disagree? In the process of preparing some dish, so many vessels and spatulas get used on that one day and your kitchen counter and stove top look like a disaster. All you can do is to wait till he is done and then start to clean up the mess. So, here I give a disclaimer saying “If you wish to cook, please clear the mess too and don’t expect any assistantship in peeling, grating of onions or any vegetables, washing the meat etc”. After all, we are women and our instincts barely allow us to sit in leisure, we end up helping huh!!. It has become a norm of the nature, women have to take care of their houses even though they work and come back only to wrap up household chores even if you had a bad hair day, whereas men relax in their couches after coming back from work, glued to television unmindful of what your child does. Ladies, you must ask for it, you cannot simply sit back and expect help. So, the reality is they do as per their likes and dislikes. House chores is never their priority nor even a Male thing perhaps to think of, no, not my perception. It is them who feel and believe so. I am glad I have supportive hubby who helps me, however, these are the common things that tick me off when I see such things and women also accept by thinking it is okay. I have a 6 yo son and day in day out I teach him house chores as I don't want him to feel left out and knows nothing if he goes away from him for studies in the future.

Edit: I drafted this when my child was a 6yo, he is now 10 and learning day in and day out. Each day is a learning day by hearing me yelling at him to put the soiled clothes and socks for wash. That's an alarm, it can't snooze, what do you say ladies.

Image Source: Google
